very good app, resp. “extension’ for the calendar(s)

by vonBeinwil – 2025-01-27 – Version 1.14.1
very good app, resp. “extension’ for the calendar(s)
Great For Pulling aout Detailed Calender Darta

by TrickRacer50 – 2025-01-10 – Version 1.14.1
THis is a great way to extract names, address, phone number and other data and pout in excel
Super helpful

by WSM75 – 2024-12-04 – Version 1.14.1
This app has been super helpful for me at work.
This software is Eloquent-if such a word can be used for software :)

by SidCid – 2024-11-09 – Version 1.14.1
Easy to follow user interface; creating the export of calendars that I needed was so quick. I love how the notes appeared in the exported spreadsheet (already formatted to wrap text). Such a useful utility app. Thank you so much for creating it :)
Export Calendars Pro

by cavallo1961 – 2024-11-04 – Version 1.14.1
Ottimo, intuitivo
Best Investiment in a long time

by Just another reviewist – 2024-11-02 – Version 1.14.1
Multiple clients, multiple time events each month and this app is a life saver. Makes invoicing a breeze. Wonderfully single. Does just what it’s supposed to do! Thank you.
Tolles und sehr wertvolles Programm um Daten aus dem Kalender ins Excel Format zu übertragen.

by 6555432357 – 2024-10-26 – Version 1.14.1
Benöte dieses Tool regelmässig für meine Projektabrechnungen und bin sehr zufrieden über die Stabilität und Funktionalität.
Sehr nützlich

by ProfNob – 2024-10-24 – Version 1.14.1
Wir machen unsere Monatsvorplanungen für unsere Mitarbeiter seit vielen Jahren mit diesem Programm. Es gab noch nie Probleme. Wir verwenden den Excel-Export mit Numbers.
Great App - Needs one fix

by dirt4breakfast – 2024-04-19 – Version 1.14
I love this App! So useful. Only problem is I have events occuring in diferent time zones, and some beginning and ending in diferent time zones (international flights etc.).
When exporting, the file show times incorrectly for every event not occuring in the present/local time zone. Also, does not show proper times when beginning and ending in diferent time zones.
(My Apple calandar displays all correctly)(Exported cal does not)
I really hope this bug can be corrected.
Thank you very much for your feedback. I'm glad you find the app useful :). Export Calendars Pro is fully timezone compatible. By default, calendar events are displayed and exported in the context of the user's current timezone. To export events in the context of the start and/or end time zone defined in the event itself, select "Use event time zone" from the "Format" pop-up menu of a start/end field in your export setup (see the app's Help for more information). Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. -- Stefan
Hilfe bei Installations-Problemen?

by Ibsen_JH – 2023-12-02 – Version 1.14
Zweiter Versuch und zum zweiten Mal keine Installation möglich. Und auch bei nächsten Versuch wieder nichts... Dann noch mal alles gelöscht, Rechner neu gestartet und ... Installation möglich. Liegt es am Nutzer? Kann sein aber wo bekommt man Hilfe? Die App kann bleiben, die Auswertungen machen einen guten Eindruck und wenn nun noch irgendwie für Hilfe gesorgt wird, wäre die App TOP. Deshalb korrigiere ich nun meine 1 Sterne Bewertung auf 4 Sterne ...
Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich per E-Mail an appsupport [at], vielleicht finden wir gemeinsam heraus, woran es hakt. App-Anbieter sind in den reinen Installationsprozess allerdings nicht involviert und können deshalb diesbezüglich nur begrenzten Support bieten. Genereller Hinweis: Die App Store Seite einer App enthält die u.a. Links “Website” und “Support”, über die man den Anbieter in solchen Fällen erreichen kann.
-- VG Stefan Keller
I recommend !

by vibing shaman – 2023-09-11 – Version 1.13
Excellent app, very efficient and well made
Wow! What a time saver!

by ColeThom – 2023-07-25 – Version 1.12
After enjoying some of this developers other apps, I thought I would check this one out. This app is amazing, I no longer have to manually type information that I need from Calendar. A few clicks and a beautiful Excel appears. I never thought that an app like this way out there. What a time saver! Thank you!
Brilliant app - highly recommend

by nph74 – 2023-05-13 – Version 1.11.2
This is a high quality app that does one job extremely well - it allows you to export events (and reminders) from your Mac Calendar to an XL/CSV/TSV file. The app is well built and has many useful options for filtering the specific events you want to export. The developer (Stefan) is helpful and quick to respond to feedback and suggestions.
Before discovering Export Calendars Pro I had tried a couple of free Chrome extensions to download the entries from my Google calendar, none of which would work properly. This app saved me a lot of time and is well worth the money.
very helpful app!

by cthamusick – 2023-01-05 – Version 1.11.2
After several hours of trying different things, I finally realized that it was only my macbook calendar that was not updating with the cloud database account and thus your app was not working with the current information that was correct on other devices and apps. From the Calendar>accounts I unchecked the internet database, shut down the calendar app and and then re-opened and re-checked the database and it populated correctly. Now all of my devices and apps, including yours have the current info. That was really frustrating but I wanted to make sure to let you know the result in case it happens to someone else. Thank you for your application, it’s very helpful.
Excellent app, very powerful, configurable and a huge time saver

by 0ptimyst – 2022-11-30 – Version 1.11.1
Highly recommended if you need to review or analyse a large number of calendar events or export them to send or submit to 3rd parties.
just wish the titles could be customized

by customize titles – 2022-09-15 – Version 1.11
just wish the titles could be customized and that it could be saved like that for next use
Just double-click on the column title or select the corresponding table row and press the enter key. You can then adjust the column title. The customized title will be saved with the export template.
Wonderful Tool

by wusco1 – 2022-08-21 – Version 1.10.1
I would not be able to operate without htis APP.
It is incredible

by querendus – 2022-08-01 – Version 1.10.1
Ideal um Kalender zu exportieren und diese zu archivieren
Great for invoicing

by JauntyMcgoo – 2022-07-01 – Version 1.10.1
I keep track of all my client hours in iCal and this works perfectly for exporting them. Simple and easy to use.
Hilfreich und funktional

by Jule.H – 2022-06-20 – Version 1.10.1
Ich nutze es zum Ermitteln der geleisteten Arbeitsstunden. Im Kalender trage ich jeweils die Zeiten ein und was dafür geleistet wurde. In Export Calenders Pro werden sie schnell für die jeweiligen Kunden erfasst und als CSV exportiert. In Excel oder Numbers ist dann die Rechnung schon so gut wie fertig.
Functional and productive

by Hvingen – 2022-06-11 – Version 1.10.1
This App is very flexible in use. The filters for selecting items in periods from different calendars work sublimely and can be saved as templates for reuse. In addition to the extra functions, this App is very effective and efficient, a must have for intensive calendar users.
Works well unless you don't know how to do something.

by GGorska – 2022-05-12 – Version 1.10
The Doc says it's possible to export in different formats, including writing to the clipboard but it doesn't say HOW to do this (which menu option? which setting?.) When I export it makes an .xlsx no matter what file extension I give it (yes, tried that.) No indication anywhere on how to change this setting/ remembered thing. No place to ask a question except here (!!)
Thank you for your feedback. You can set the export options for the selected template including the export format in the "Data Selection", "Data Sorting" and "Format" sections. All settings are automatically saved for the next export. If you have further questions, just select "Submit Support Request" from the "Help" menu of the app.
Super application

by DrNS! – 2021-03-24 – Version 1.10
Très facile d'utilisation, extrêmement utile pour établir rapidement des rapports, jamais un bug en un an d'utilisation !
Solved very unique problem!

by The Goddess Brain™ – 2021-02-27 – Version 1.10
I use my iCal like a diary, so every hour is filled . . . . and I've been doing this since 2008!
So, I've come close to hitting the 50K reminder limit for iCloud and needed a way to keep all of my entries while deleting events to make room.
This works perfectly so now I have all of my entries in Excel that I can use to convert to Word, or whatever else I need . . . . great app!
Great Exporting to Excel

by snowskier42 – 2020-12-28 – Version 1.10
Export Calendars Pro nicely sorts and arranges entries from Calendar to Excel. It's a needed tool for anyone working with Calendar as an organization's master calendar.
Best Investiment in a long time

by Just another reviewist – 2020-11-14 – Version 1.10
Multiple clients, multiple time events each month and this app is a life saver. Makes invoicing a breeze. Thank you.

by RuneSalsa – 2020-09-17 – Version 1.10
Surprised to find my favorite 'export to clipboard' as desired. No doubt it was a solid buy.

by naumist – 2020-07-28 – Version 1.9.2
zuverlässig! Sehr praktisch.
Excellent, top-tier app!

by CaptainCourage – 2020-05-18 – Version 1.9.2
I love this app, it does exactly what it says, but it allows a person to customize the output as they see fit.
I have not exncountered any bugs or problems, would recommend to anyone. I have also purchased the developer's other two apps for importing / exporting contacts.
Very good for Excel user

by Muir28 – 2020-03-24 – Version 1.9.2
For those Excel users, this is an excellent app, is fast and accurate, I haven't found issues yet, pretty simple to use, very good app.

by Eightball Bill – 2020-01-28 – Version 1.9.2
We export and print our weekly schedule to multiple tabloid size sheets and post in the office for quick reference.
Super App!

by safrakido – 2020-01-13 – Version 1.9.1
Ich verwende dei App jetzt seit mehreren Jahren um meine Zeierfassung zu automatisieren (Kalender -> Excel). Das funktioniert immer, zuverlässig, schnell und einfach. Mehr kann man nicht verlangen, 5 Sterne!
Does not work with Catalina

by P-27-05-15 – 2020-01-13 – Version 1.9.1
Absolutely love the app, solves many of my problems and makes life easy.
Very unfortunate that it doesn't work on my MacBookPro with Catalina, please find a solution/update for this.
On my Desktop the app does work, I work from there for now.
The app supports macOS 10.15 and many users already use the app under Catalina. It must be some other problem or a bug that has not been discovered yet. Please contact the support at appsupport (at) subclassed (dot) com.
Export Calenders Pro

by dadamskinowitsch – 2019-11-28 – Version 1.9.1
Habe lange nach einer solchen Lösung gesucht. Unglaublich vielfältige Suchkriterien. Einfacher und zuverlässiger Export in Numbers/ Exel.
Sehr vielfältige Darstellungsmöglichkeiten.
6 von 5 Sternen!!
Not operational under Catalina

by Welshjohn – 2019-11-12 – Version 1.9.1
This is now fixed and it was donw to some strange issue that was fixed when the selected Calendars were toggles off and then on again. The issue was later observed under Mojave., workign with the developer this issue is now resolved.
Simple and works

by ABR3434 – 2019-11-02 – Version 1.9
If Apple were on the job you wouldn't have to buy an app like this, but could just export from Calendar. Well anyway, you can't, and this app works so nicely that I don't even feel bad about paying for it!

by Blockchain Crockett – 2019-08-27 – Version 1.9
Thank you for such a common sense app! It is so logical, and a huge help for my live entertainment business. I have been using this now for months (and also in the Catalina beta) with no problems at all. Thanks again!

by GYO05 – 2019-07-20 – Version 1.8.2
Better than what it says! I was trying to find a way to extract a years worth of calendar events for a legal project to map a timeline of meetings related to a topic (including meeting description text). Selected search key-words, set the fields I needed. Exported to CSV then imported to Aeon Timeline in about 10mins on my first use of the app. Saved days and dollars. Have found my new best app.
Super Useful

by unDavide – 2019-06-30 – Version 1.8.2
Still unbelievable that Apple doesn't provide these features by default – I'm really happy that ExportCalendarsPro's developer did a neat job on this :-)

by Alex Lato – 2019-05-02 – Version 1.8.2
Great way to pull data from a calendar.
Time saver

by Stephen Lowry (N Ireland) – 2019-03-27 – Version 1.8.2
This app really saves me a huge amount of time. No retyping of events or their related details.
It took a while to set things up the way I wanted but I have regained the time back ever since.
I export to a xls filee, do a quick shortcut to gather the information in a fresh column then use an automation in word to tidy up the look. Was 2 hours: now down to twenty minutes.
Great Product

by Steve of Perth – 2019-03-24 – Version 1.8.2
Does a great job and has saved me hours of work - Stefan is also very helpful - I will be recomending Export Calendars pro to my colleagues
Einfach und super!

by ray12683 – 2019-03-14 – Version 1.8.2
Sicher ist die Programmierung dieser App nicht so einfach wie Ihre Anwendung im Alltag! Es funktionier alles hervorragend und füllt die Lücke die der Apple-Kalender hinterlässt. Auf Wünsche und Vorchläge geht der Programmierer ein und antwortet sehr schnell! Ich absolut zufrieden.
Danke und weiter so
Très Pro

by Dominique perigord – 2019-03-12 – Version 1.8.2
Une App Pro complète pour la gestion du calendrier
Great tool for hourwriting

by Mr.247T – 2019-02-26 – Version 1.8.2
I export my calenders and written hours from apple calender to an excel sheet, works great!
Saved me a ton of time!

by justsomedudeudontknow – 2019-02-03 – Version 1.8.1
Very happy I found this! Saved me so much time going through my calendar!
Bietet alles trotz guter Bedienbarkeit

by dude@itunes – 2019-01-11 – Version 1.8.1
Dieses Tool bietet mir für den Export von Kalenderdaten einfach alles und ist durch default templates doch leicht zu bedienen. Für mich gibt es keine Alternative und ich bin froh, dass es nach so langer Zeit trotzdem noch stetig geupdated wird
Stundenabrechnung vereinfacht

by alobi – 2019-01-10 – Version 1.8.1
Wir benutzen den Kalender um unsere Stunden mit dem Kunden abzurechnen. Das ist einfacher als alle Online-Stundenabrechnungen, die ich bisher getestet habe. Dank dieses wunderbaren Programm bekomme ich die Stunden sehr leicht in meine Rechnungen. Ist jeden Euro und jeden Stern wert.
simple and very helpful

by pauderiba – 2019-01-02 – Version 1.8.1
I like to plan and keep record of my working hours in 4 different Apple Calendars, this app is of great utility to put that data in a Numbers/Excel document.
Aus Apples "Spielzeug"-Kalender

by MacNik – 2018-10-23 – Version 1.7.1
wird mit diesem Programm ein gut auszuwertendes Timetracking-Tool. Apple bringt es ja nicht fertig, dass man Untermengen der Kalender des Kalender Programmms so exportieren kann, dass man diese Daten in Numbers oder Ninox oder Filemaker gut weiter verwenden kann.
Dies alles schafft dieses Programm.
Ich kannte ein Pendant-Programm desselben Programmierers schon für die Apple Kontakte App.
Tolle Programme !
Erleichtert die Erstellung von Zeit-Berichten.

by karstenschulz – 2018-02-11 – Version 1.6
Ich war lange auf der Suche nach einer Timetracking-Lösung, die keine fremde Cloud, aber eine Anbindung an meine Kalender hat und dabei technisch einwandfrei funktioniert. Fehlanzeige!
Mit Hilfe dieser App gelingt es mir nun, die relevanten Einträge nach Kunden und Projekte zu exportieren, indem ich mit normalen Kalendereinträgen arbeite.
Die App läuft stabil und bietet genug Flexilität, um meinen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Durch die Möglichkeit eigene Vorlagen zu erstellen, sind die unterschiedlichen Berichte leicht zu erzeugen. Vorteilhaft ist, dass die Dauer eines Termins beim Export auf Wunsch auf 15 Minuten oder ganze Stunden gerundet werden kann. Meine Timetracking-Lösung sieht nun so aus, dass ich einen Protokoll-Kalender führe, in diesem die Einträge mit „Kunde:“ oder „Projekt:“ beginne und nach diesen filtere. Einfach, fast nur mit Standard-Tools und durch diese App auch für die Abrechnung mit dem Kunden geeignet. Top!
Well designed

by julsssark – 2016-09-21 – Version 1.5
Great application that is a joy to use. I track my billing hours in my calendar and I was maintaining an AppleScript to total my billing hours each month. This is a significantly better solution and it includes some really nice touches like rounding up durations in 15 minute increments.
Unlike many utilities from independent developers, this one has a well thought-out design and a professional interface. It is “polished."
There is a free demo on the developer’s website that lets you try out the features before you buy.
le remplacant de Bento...

by phdelann – 2016-06-24 – Version 1.4.2
Excellente appli, qui remplace très avantageusement Bento (l’applicatif de FileMaker arrêté en 2013, bridé pour ne plus traiter iCal à partir du 1er janvier 2016 - les joies du monde informatique…) en tant que « timesheet " : nous sert dans notre agence d’architecture pour connaitre le nombre d’heure de travail de chacun par affaire, à partir des calendrier iCal Mac, avec un simple transfert sur excel. Génial !!!

by Linton9 – 2016-05-27 – Version 1.4.2
Does exactly what it says. Stefan was also very willing to help add a specific timezone feature I was looking for, and in a very prompt manner!
Simple, effective, awesome.
Super Programm

by etDodger – 2016-04-29 – Version 1.4.2
Der Export in eine Excel oder Numbers Tabelle funktioniert perfekt. Ursprünglich kaufte ich das Programm, weil mein Bento seit 1.1.2016 nicht mehr mit iCal kommuniziert. FileMaker konnte mir keinen Grund nennen. Da ich mir aber für Bento die Termine aus dem Kalender hole, brauche ich eine Tabellenfunktion.
Und - siehe da! Dieses Programm beherrst es perfekt.
Jetzt nutze ich es auch für meine Buchhaltung: Fahrtenbuch, Steuer, etc. Danke an den Entwickler. :-)
Saved me Hours - Works as Stated - Worth Every Penny

by onthechesapeake – 2016-01-23 – Version 1.4.1
I manage multiple performance artists and we collaboratively maintain iCal calendars for bookings, daily activity, transportation/mileage, and overnight travel/expenses. It’s quick, easy and cloud-based. Year-end data dump is SIMPLE with this well-designed app. Just select the calendars you want, export the calendars and open the downloaded .ics file in the application. Select the parameters you want exported to your spreadsheet (including start/end/duration times, NOTES, etc) and export as .csv (or Excel) file. Presto! Add a column and categorize for accounting/tax prep. Done. LOVE IT AND SAVES ME HOURS. Thank you, Stefan for a great app!
Super, aber Import fehlt mir.

by EDDI4EX – 2016-01-14 – Version 1.4.1
Ein super Programm, aber bitte, bitte implementieren Sie eine Import-Funktion von csv/xlsx nach iCal. Es gibt zwar Online-Konverter, aber ich möchte doch nicht alle meine persönliche Daten an irgendeine Webadresse schicken. Meines Wissens gibt es bisher noch keine Programme, die diesen Import beherrschen.
Amazing solution

by PixelMac – 2015-11-07 – Version 1.4.1
This app is so useful, I just love it.
I was able to export, backup and manage my calendars in so many ways.
A must have if you need full control over your Calendars.
Does exactly what is says it’ll do - which saved me a ton of time!

by Old UNIX guy – 2015-10-30 – Version 1.4.1
About 11 years ago I started entering pretty much everything I do into iCal / Calendar on my Mac … and I didn’t think about the fact that years on down the line I’d have so much stuff in there that calling it dog slow would only be accurate if we’re talking about a 16 year old 3 legged dog with severe arthritis (kinda like the rest of OS X these days, but that’s another story). However, I didn’t want to just delete old Calendar entries, because I’ve got a lot of valuable history in there.
So, being a Unix geek, I started exploring writing a Perl script to parse all the .ics files in my ~/Library/Calendars folder and dumping the data out to a CSV file. To say that is a very complex task that would have taken me hours and hours to accomplish is also a significant understatement.
Then I came across this app … which dumps out Calendars to either CSV or Excel format. Let’s see, while some would consider this app expensive at $10, when I think about how much time I saved and how much that time is worth, this is one of the best bargains around! Highly recommended.
excellent app

by llebydna – 2015-09-07 – Version 1.4.1
If you want to export your OSX Calendar to an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file for any reason then this is the app to use. It flawlessly produced a well formatted and human readable spreadsheet in moments. Comprehensive formatting and sorting options and a useful event duration display too. Highly recommended.
Powerful, simple, elegant, and still a steal :-)

by Peter Villevoye – 2015-05-01 – Version 1.3.3
So I started looking for some simple tool or method to convert my calendar exports to Excel. Lots of pages with dead wrong suggestions ("just change extension to .txt or .csv" or "connect to Google and download it from there" – yeah sure). But I found at least one reference to this nice app, and it's even avaliable in the trusted App Store ! Double Fun !! So instead of tediously tweaking text files, I'm already creating yearly stats about my billable days and hours...
Thanks, and keep up the good work !
Super leistungsfähiges Tool zur Auswertung des Standard-Kalenders

by CR-Consulting – 2015-04-27 – Version 1.3.3
Dieses Programm ersetzt optimal Apps für Mac, iPhone, iPAD zur Erfassung und Auswertung von Arbeitszeiten! Der OS-X/iOS Standardkalender kann genutzt werden, der sich via iCloud- , Exchange-Synchronisation usw. abgleichen lässt. Damit muss nicht ein weiterer Cloud-Dienst zum Abgelich einer Arbeitszeiten-App genutzt werden. Das Ablegen von persönlichen Daten in Cloud-Diensten sollte man minimieren! Leistungsumfang und Bedienung super - sehr zu empfehlen!

by mac-monkey – 2015-04-11 – Version 1.3.3
I’ll keep it short - this is the application I’ve been searhing for.
I’ve been looking for an application that will take my Apple Calendar events data (as a freelance finished artist I use Calendar to log all of my project time) and allow me to calculate each events’ time so that I can extract that information from the created spreadsheet and submit the billable time. This application does that beautifully. It’s simple, it’s elegant, it’s superb.
I’ve no hesitation in recommending this application, in fact I have already recommended it to colleagues and co-workers.
You saved me so much time

by Matthijn Dijkstra🐳 – 2015-03-12 – Version 1.3.3
Even though it was ten bucks. You saved me hours of work which I now did in a matter of minutes.
Fast Perfekt!

by Manni_Blanz – 2015-01-31 – Version 1.3.3
Eine tolle App, die das ausgleicht, was iCal einfach nicht kann. Wenn jetzt noch Datum und Start-/ Endzeit getrennt ausgegeben werden könnten, wäre das nochmal ein Extrapluspunkt. Aber auch so schon einwandfrei zu empfehlen!!
More than great

by 740 – 2014-12-09 – Version 1.3.3
This is really the best app since long time. What a relief!!! Instant access to your time spent. Simply make a calendar and see in this app what data you would like to export to excel for further treatment. Since it is in iCal, it always is in sync with other idevices and backed up in the cloud. Great work Stefan!!! So glad you made this. No other app comes even close.
Stabil und zuverlässig

by Michael Kistenmacher – 2014-10-20 – Version 1.3.3
Flexibel genug, macht genau, was ich brauche, um meine Termine in mein Rechnungsprogramm zu bekommen, läuft auch unter Yosemite...
A great application and great customer support!

by skippingrock – 2014-07-10 – Version 1.3.2
I’ve been looking for an application like this for a long time and I finally found this one.
Finally, I can export and archive, in a usable form, those calendars I’ve had hanging around since the iCal days, but no longer want on all my devices.
There was one issue, in which it could only show four years worth of data at a time, but a simple email to Stefan the developer and within three days he worked on a solution to an Apple imitation and submitted this version to the Apple Mac App Store. Now I can recommend this software without a doubt to anyone who needs to export their calendars to a spreadsheet for archiving or for invoicing or any other time tracking.
Get it if this is something you’ve been looking for. You won’t be disappointed!
Thanks again Stefan.
Lifesaver if you need to export events

by arfymoo – 2014-04-22 – Version 1.3
Since becoming a contractor with multiple clients, I have had to track my hrs. Im sure there are tons of time tracking apps, etc. But I choose to put everything in Mac Calendar and encode the client info in the subject. This app works flawlessly for extracting the events so I can build a timesheet. I wish it had a cli but the gui is pretty good. The range of fields it can export is huge.

by Prometheus Bob – 2014-04-14 – Version 1.3
So simple, so functional……….Genius!
Perfect for mileage reporting

by Simon, Oxford – 2014-04-09 – Version 1.3
Each year I have to export my calendar data to Excel to submit an annual mileage report. This year has been the easiest due to this little app. Thank you. You have saved hours of work.
Worked flawlessly first time exporting a selection of my iCloud calendars to excel.
Tres bonne Appli

by pascal 33990 – 2014-03-15 – Version 1.3
Excellente appli pour exploiter les données du calendrier Apple avec la possibilité d’exporter vers Number ou excel - Génial
Export Calendars Pro review

by LeeB115 – 2014-02-21 – Version 1.2
This is a Great App! It does exactly what I needed it to do, easily, quickly and efficiently. I have encountered no problems or issues so far. My thanks to the writers and developers of this program. Great job!
Lee B.
The Quickest and Best Way I’ve Found to Convert .ics Files

by LifeInLoFi – 2013-12-09 – Version 1.1
This is the easiest and best way I’ve found to convert Apple Calendar and iCal .ics files to native Excel and .csv files for import into other apps. I tried all of the other methods that you’ve probably already Googled. Export Calendars Pro is fast and easy. The data in the spreadsheets it outputs is clean and well-organized. Well worth the $5 I paid. My only regret is not finding this app 4 hours ago.